About | Books

We've got ten books (including reprints) on our current slate!
There's more coming!

Our newest titles!

I'll Tell You Later: Deaf Survivors of Dinner Table Syndrome
A variety of Deaf survivors share devastating experiences about their hearing families
who don't include them in conversations at mealtime.

Sail Skin: Poems
Weaving deftly among animals and shipwrecks in her debut poetry collection,
Kris Ringman searches for a home both within and without her deafness.

Through the Tunnel: Becoming DeafBlind
Using a mixture of prose and poetry, Angie C. Orlando
shares indelible stories about growing up in a small Ohioan town.

The Last Deaf Club in America
Ghosts of famous Deaf people return when
a group of Deaf people must decide whether to sell the Deaf club in America.

Tripping the Tale Fantastic:
Weird Fiction by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers

Deaf and hard of hearing authors from around the world bring you 
this fun, though oftentimes disturbing, collection of short stories. 

I Stole You: Stories from the Fae
Kristen Ringman returns with a new startling collection
that celebrates stories of imagination and wonder.

From Heart into Art: Interviews with
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Artists and Their Allies

For over a decade, Raymond Luczak interviewed Deaf and hard of hearing artists
and their allies about their creative and arts accessibility work.
This book includes 72 such interviews about their experiences.

Where I Stand:
On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience

In this collection of essays, John Lee Clark
explains why it's an exciting time to be DeafBlind.

Deaf Lit Extravaganza
John Lee Clark brings together a glittering gathering
of 34 Deaf and hearing members of the signing community.

Makara: A Novel
Kristen Ringman ponders in her magical debut:
"What if you grew up Deaf with a seal and a human father?"

Eyes of Desire 2: A Deaf GLBT Reader (Out of Print)
Nearly three years in the making, this anthology brings together
over 85 "voices" from the Deaf and signing GLBT communities
from all over the world,
all celebrating our diversity in adversity.

Suddenly Slow: Poems (Out of Print)
This collection of poems opens with a stumble:
"It was not there / until I tripped over it."


Silence Is a Four-Letter Word: On Art & Deafness
(The 10th Anniversary Edition)

First published in 2002, this updated collection of observations
on what makes art "art" and deafness "deaf" is sure to provoke readers
into asking "important questions of ourselves."

This Way to the Acorns: Poems
(The 10th Anniversary Edition)

First published in 2002, this second collection by Raymond Luczak
brings the reader back to what it was like to experience nature as a child.

Assembly Required: Notes from a Deaf Gay Life (Updated)
First published in 2009, this second edition incorporates
Raymond Luczak's new observations as a Deaf gay man.

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Handtype Press, LLC.