A CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for a brand-new d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing poetry anthology!
Raymond Luczak, the Deaf editor of many anthologies such as I'll Tell You Later: Deaf Survivors of Dinner Table Syndrome and Yooper Poetry: On Experiencing Michigan's Upper Peninsula, is looking for new work by d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing poets for a brand-new anthology. Handtype Press will publish the book sometime this year.
- When you introduce yourself in the email, please share how you identify on the d/Deaf spectrum (deaf, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, late-deafened, CI user, etc.).
- Attach at least six pages (10 pages max) as a Word file. Include a biographical statement (up to 75 words).
- All poems must be unpublished. ABSOLUTELY NO REPRINTS. (This includes sharing your work previously on social media.)
- Subject matter and style are wide open; you can focus on the d/Deaf experience if you like, but you are not obligated to do so.
- Sign language poetry in translation accepted if you have legal permission from the poet-signer.
- Accepted poets will retain the copyright to their own work and get two contributor's print copies.
- Email your work to deafpoetrynow@gmail.com.
- Deadline is Tuesday, April 15, 2025. |