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10 July 2017

For Immediate Release

The first weird fiction (science fiction, horror, supernatural, fantasy, etc.) anthology
to feature only Deaf and Hard of Hearing writers..

Publication Date: 15 October 2017

Handtype Press is thrilled to announce the release of Christopher Jon Heuer’s landmark anthology Tripping the Tale Fantastic: Weird Fiction by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers. From haunted Civil War battlefields to a severed ear discovered on a nightly run; from lab-grown dinosaurs to forest creatures that steal away children under the cover of night; from deadly bio-engineered fleas to a burning teenage desire for cybernetic amputations: Deaf and hard of hearing authors from around the world bring you this fun, though oftentimes disturbing, collection of 20 short stories. Contributors include a mix of familiar and new voices such as John Lee Clark, Kristen Harmon, David Langford, Brighid Meredith, and Kristen Ringman.

About the Book

The editor, Christopher Jon Heuer, shares a little bit about his background:

Back when I was in grade school, my fourth grade teacher had my class write a story in one of those blue books they used to hand out in the early 1970s. Most kids only wrote on a single side of a page and it was about their summers or going to Great America or whatever. Mine filled up three whole booklets, both sides of the page. I wrote about my friend Terry and me fighting off an alien invasion of Earth using our bows and arrows.  It was because of that story I knew I’d be a writer someday.  And though the bulk of my work has been in the disability fiction/poetry field, I always knew I’d come back here someday, and bring as many others as I could with me.  This anthology takes science fiction, fantasy, and horror as well as Deaf fiction in an entirely new and unexplored direction, and I’m honored to be a part of that. They are fascinating writers with equally fascinating stories.


Here’s what others have to say about Tripping the Tale Fantastic: Weird Fiction by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers:

““So often the future we imagine is homogenous: everyone has the same baseline abilities and there is a presumption that all five senses are the norm. This collection has stories of people accessing new technologies, and people living in worlds where to hear is to be abnormal. There are stories that explore the imposition of language values on the Deaf community and the harm committed in the name of ‘help.’ And there are stories in which we get to experience how others communicate. A thought-provoking collection.” —Farah Mendlesohn, author of Rhetorics of Fantasy

“Even for someone like myself—a hearing person who has long been around the Deaf community—this anthology often gives insight into a series of deaf characters in a way perhaps no hearing writer ever could, from reading the innermost thoughts from a Deaf perspective in thriller/horror to science fiction and fantasy, and every genre in between, whether it’s ‘The Ear,’ which interestingly recalls the old radio drama Suspense or the more chilling ‘In the Haunted Darkness,’ which puts into words the feelings of likely more than a few people, sadly. More importantly, those stories without a deaf character highlight the most crucial takeaway: a deaf writer can world-build and set scenes as well as anyone.” —Dave Galanter, author of Troublesome Minds


Christopher Jon Heuer is the author of Bug: Deaf Identity and Internal Revolution and All Your Parts Intact: Poems, and was the Editor in Chief of the highly popular (and soon to be revived) web site Deaf Echo.  His writing has appeared in many anthologies and magazines over the span of his nearly thirty-year writing career. His most recent science fiction-related publication was a short story “The Visit” in Daily Science Fiction. Heuer is a professor of English at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.  He lives in Alexandria, VA with his wife and son.

Media-Related Information

Christopher Jon Heuer is available for interviews. Review copies can be requested directly from the publisher. The title will be available in the more popular e-book formats on October 15, 2017. For high-resolution images for use in print and online, please go to http://www.handtype.com/pr or contact the publisher directly (handtype@gmail.com).

Tripping the Tale Fantastic: Weird Fiction by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers.
Christopher Jon Heuer, Editor.
ISBN: 978-1-941960-08-0
198 pp. 5.25 x 8 trade paperback. $22

About Handtype Press

Handtype Press is a company that showcases the finest literature and art created by signers, Deaf and hearing alike, or about the Deaf or signing experience the world over. Founded in the spring of 2007, Handtype has gone on to publish a total of nine titles, including Kristen Ringman’s Lambda Literary Award-nominated novel Makara, and John Lee Clark's Where I Stand: On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience. For more information, go to http://www.handtype.com/

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